Other cities in Europe – London pretenders!


Insight – post Brexit considerations – A cautionary note!

Yesterday, I was asked by a journalist …

“In my opinion, which cities in Europe pose a threat to a no deal Brexit”?

Living in London can allow an arrogance to foster and grow. It is a super city, in all senses. The diversity and multicultural nature of the city is at its very core. It is this, coupled with its size, that has separated us from many of the other European Cities. Of course, in addition to this we are the western global financial hub for the world.

The population in most European contender cities is much smaller, with perhaps the exception of Madrid, and so this has worked in favour, simply in terms of practical day to day logistics.

However, last week we heard that Sony and two other large global companies are moving headquarters to Amsterdam. This further supports the information Reuters published at the end of last year declaring that 20 financial firms are applying for licences to operate in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam, although much smaller (metropolitan area is just over £2.5m), offers the multicultural and diverse offering of London.

It is also well positioned in terms of communications, both road, rail and air. It is under an hour to London and direct to Paris and now London via Eurostar.

In spite of its diminutive size, Amsterdam poses a real threat to London if it allowed to thrive and capitalise on our Brexit mistakes.



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